Our Counselors

Ted J. Campbell, LPC

I have a Bachelor of Science in Psychology, a Master of Education in Agency Counseling, and am a Licensed Professional Counselor. I attended Marsha Linehan’s (founder of Dialectical Behavioral Therapy) Intensive Training for DBT in Seattle, Washington and numerous workshops on DBT Skills Training developed for Borderline Personality Disorder.

I have extensive experience working with some of the most challenging cases ranging from Schizophrenia, Bipolar, Schizoaffective, Major Depression, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder, to some of the most severe cases of Borderline Personality Disorder. I worked in residential treatment facilities for substance abuse and developed DBT programs for substance abuse treatment as well as other major mental illnesses.

I have extensive experience in group therapy and individual therapy teaching life skills and embracing the concept of recovery for mental illness as well as substance abuse. I have taught mindfulness and use this as a foundation for my clients to build a life worth living, making lemonade out of lemons.